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Home > Piano teacher in a sentence

Piano teacher in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2020-12-08Updated:2020-12-08
Similar words: teacherart teacherteacher's dayteachers' dayteacher's pethead teachermath teachermusic teacherMeaning: n. someone who teaches students to play the piano. 
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(1) His new piano teacher, Mr Ruthling, was an actor on the side.
(2) My piano teacher charges £9 for a half hour class.
(3) Nan Qian admires her piano teacher very much.
(4) Herbert: She's a piano teacher. Her name is Rose.
(5) He gained good music interpretation from his piano teacher, Peter Lally. In 2003, upon graduation from The University of Hong Kong where he studied composition with Dr.
(6) Did you take my eraser? This is my piano teacher, Ms. Lee.
(7) You must start by unlearning all the bad habits your previous piano teacher taught you!
(8) You'll have to unlearn all the bad habits you learned with your last piano teacher.
(9) Danielle still plays( teacher.html), but the only money she makes from her talent is as a piano teacher in London.
(10) It's foolish to go to the expense of getting a piano teacher.
(11) For this set work that has strong race and modern feeling want to let local piano teacher of our country and learners can accept is very to have a difficulty is also otiose.
More similar words: teacherart teacherteacher's dayteachers' dayteacher's pethead teachermath teachermusic teacherschoolteacherschool teacherstudent teacherenglish teacherscience teacherteach an old dog new tricksteam teachingpianopianofortepiano stoolgrand pianopiano tunerpiano musichemianopiateachpiano lessonpiano playerupright pianoteach-inpiano keyboardbaby grand pianoteaching
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